Monday, March 2, 2009

Second Language Learning

Watch your pen pals' videos here...

Then, write comments to your pen pals about their language use and about your own second language use. How does it feel to learn Spanish? Speak Spanish? Hear other people learn English? Be honest and fair. TYPE IN ENGLISH.


  1. Hey Marc Sau,
    This is Noah
    How do you feel about learning another language? This is my fourth language I am trying to learn. I now English and Hebrew and am trying to learn Spanish and Latin. It is very hard and kind of annoying when you have to keep your mind from not asking to go to the bathroom in another language. Spanish can be tough? How is English. How do you compare learning spanish to learning english?

  2. I think that trying to learn a second language is extremely hard when you do not speak it all the time. When you hear others try and speak English, I think 'Well, that's easy. Why can't they speak it?' Until I tried learning Spanish, though. Now I greatly respect everyone that speak a second language, and I really think that you (over in Spain) are doing a really fantastic job learning English.

    PS: I do not have a pen pal, so this is for everyone!!

  3. you guys did a very good job at speaking english. It must be very hard to learn it as your second language. For me spanish is a hard second language to learn, I have been studying it for a long time. When I speak spanish I always wonder if people can understand what I am saying. When I hear you speaking english it is a little hard to understand at first but i can tell what you are talking about. English is a hard language but stick with it, you are doing a great job so far. I have a few questions. Is it hard to understand us when we are writing to you in spanish? Do you like english? What is the hardest part about it?

  4. Carter B.

    I find learning a new language to be both a exciting and an intimidating process. I love learning spanish and I will continue to study it. Even though I am not very good at speaking spanish, I can see how learning it will help me in my future. At our level of spanish, we can speak the basic meaning of what we are trying to say, but our grammar is very bad. Speaking another language can help you understand and influence other cultures. I think that it is cool that I am learning spanish while spanish speaking people are learning english. I hope your learning of english is going very well. Do you like english? I am glad for the opportunity to learn spanish.

  5. To: Alba Jofre

    It was awesome, the fruit salad looked delicious. Although, I have to say that your language is a little vague and your sentences had a few grammatical errors. But I can’t say that I could do much better if I made a video in Spanish. In fact, I’m horrible with Spanish; sometimes Spanish is very hard so I never use it out of the classroom. For me, learning Spanish is a little scary and speaking it is even worse. I do feel sorry for people who are learning English, as their second language because e I hear it is the hardest language to learn. Well good work on your video and bye.

    From: Garrett Bakarich

  6. Spanish and Latin are my third and fourth languages I am learning. I currently know English and German, and it is not too hard for me. I have watched your videos, and I thought that you guys are doing great at learning English. I had a little trouble strarting to learn Spanish, but now it is quite easy for me. If you keep learning a language, without stopping, it becomes easy.

  7. I think that trying a second language is very hard to learn. I dont think i will be able to speak all the time. Its very diffcult to learn english! But you guys in spain are doing a great job! When I hear people speak it its very easy i understand why its veryy hard. Now i understand why english is so hard to learn!

  8. Hello, I think that learning a second laungage is quite difficult. I think this is because that we're not forced to use it to communicate since we can just talk in English. I only know one lanugauage, but I am working on Spanish and Latin. I think that it is taking a long time,b but I think that I've come a long away and that it will be rewarding.

  9. Hi. This is Alana,
    I saw your videos and I think you guys did a really good job since English isn't your first language. It has been really hard trying to learn Spanish and Latin at school without mixing them up (I have mixed them up before). Even just the other day when we were writing a sentance in Latin, I wrote the correct word but I wrote it in Spanish. It's been tough but it has been starting to get a little easier. My parents speek Spanish around the house sometimes and I'm starting to understand more of it. It helps a lot to hear people speak the language you're learning instead of just seeing it on a piece of paper or in a book. Until I thought about it recently, I didn't think it could be as hard to learn English as it would be to learn Spanish, but since the languages ar so different, I now understand that it must be just as hard. Like I said before, you guys are doing a great job. Keep working on it (We'll keep working on our Spanish, too)!

  10. Dear Paula V,
    I watched the video of you and your friends and I was very impressed with how well you speak English. You have learned many new English words and you seem comfortable speaking. Do you find it difficult to learn English? What part of learning English is most challenging for you? I have studied Hebrew for almost eight years. This is my first year studying Spanish. I am a good student when it comes to grammar and vocabulary, but speaking is difficult. When I try to speak in Spanish, sometimes I think in Hebrew instead! I also think that Spanish is challenging because it is a language that is spoken quickly. Good luck with your English.

  11. Dear friends in Spain,
    What's up? How is learning another language? It is pretty hard, isn't it. I myself speak several languages. English, Hebrew, Spanish, and Latin are among them. I agree with the others who have left comments in that it takes a lot of focus and effort to learn a new language. It takes bravery too. But even if you hit a rough spot, it is good to keep going. It feels good to learn how to talk to someone half way around the world, doesn't it? Even learning new words in your own language is fun. In school we are learning English words like vapid and ecclestiastical. It may not be fun spending hours and hours writing down word after word that you barely understand, but it really is fun once you get the hang of a language. So if anyone out there thinks that they can't succeed in learning English, then keep trying! You can do it! :)

  12. Dear Pao,
    It is Hannah,
    I thought that you spoke very well in English. Personally, I dont know what it is like learnig english but I have heard that it is really hard to learn. It is difficult to learn another language, and I know that when I speak in Spanish it is probablly pretty straight forward. At my school I am also learnig latin and sometimes I get Latin and spanish mixed up. Do you know any languages besides spanish and english?

  13. Hi Carolina, This is Alexis. I think you and your classmates did well on your videos in English. Is it hard for you to learn English? Well, I can tell you I speak three languages including English. I think learning Spanish is a great language to learn because it comes in handy when you live in Tucson where a lot of people speak Spanish. It feels good to talk in Spanish knowing I can speak it with other people other than in my Spanish class. I can now speak to someone in Spanish and have a conversation. When I hear someone trying to learn English I say to myself oh that is so easy. Then when I started to learn Spanish I found out it is not that easy to learn another language. It really does take lots of work and a lot of effort. I do try to keep pushing myself to go the extra mile and to keep taking in the Spanish experience.

  14. Hi Anna,
    Trying to learn a new language is not easy especially English to you and Spanish for me. In many ways English and Spanish are different therefore we have differences in our problems. What's you're opinion?

  15. This being my scond year of Spanish, I have learnt how hard it can be to learn a second language. Right now I'm learning Latin and Spanish. I also know some German because my mom talked to me in German while I grew up. To me, since English is my first languge, I think it is easy to learn. Since I've been communicating to people that are learning English, I now realize how hard it is to learn (just like Spanish). Though your (penpals') English isn't perfect and there are mistakes, I can understand what you are trying to tell me easily. My Spanish probably has just as many mistakes. Learning a second language can be hard but, later in life it will help you.

  16. Learning a second language is very difficult but also rewarding. I loved watching the videos you made. When you learn a another language the way you learn it is often different than the way people who start speaking that language talk. You are doing very well with your english. I commend you with your accomplishments. English is a very difficult language even as a first language. I am enjoying learning spanish. I believe I am learning a lot, but i also realize my letters probably sound like a pre-schooler talking. Everyone seems to speak each language a little differently which doesn't make things any easier to learn. Good luck with your learning of the english language. i hope to write again to you soon.


  17. Hello, I'm Ricard. I don't remember who I'm writing to.

  18. holas soy el eric, miforma de ser es punk, lo dudo de ke sepas ke es punk, pero la ropa ke kompro i llevan los hevipunks son asi: ropa de cuero con pinchos, botas de cuero con punta de acero, cadenas de porta llabes o porta cadenas, ...
    Yo ire a paris a comprar esta clase de ropa por ke alli en paris es mas varato.
    weno dew i ke pases un buen dia y ke vais a prepararnos algo como nosotros??¿¿??dew

  19. Hi! It's Alexandria! learning another language may seem easy at first but in time you learn that it can be very difficult. Learning Spanish is a great opportunity for me and gives me a chance to challenge myself... as it should for everyone. I really enjoy learning a second language even though it is somewhat difficult. How do you feel about learning a second language?

    Alex :)

  20. Hello Lidia its Caleb and I think for a first time learner of English everyone did good. For me this is the second language I'm learning and Spanish is hard for me. But beside that you guys did very well.

  21. ¡Hola Carter y Caleb!
    Espero que os haya gustado el vídeo, haber si algún día os ponéis a cocinar.:P

    Creo que el ingles es un poco difícil, pero como hace mucho que lo estudio ya me parece mas fácil.
    Creo que vosotros sabéis escribir muy bien el español.
    Espero poder sentiros hablar español.
    En mi instituto estudio cuatro lenguas, tres son obligatorias: español, catalán y ingles. Y hay otra lengua que no es obligatoria, la puede estudiar quien quiera, es el francés.

    Espero recibir noticias vuestras muy pronto.:)


  22. Hola Dallas!
    Estoy de acuerdo contigo; los dos sabemos que nuestras lenguas no tienen muchas semblanzas pero yo ya hace alrededor de 8 años que estudio ingles. Creo que vosotros también sabéis escribir bien el español.
    ¿Que te a parecido el vídeo de la truita de patatas? ¿Crees que sabrás hacer?
    ¿Nos estais preparando algo verdad?

    Espero recibir notícias tuyas muy pronto (:



  23. Hi. I think that learning another language is a great way to learn about new cultures, countries. When you are offered the opportunity to learn new languages, you should take advantage of it because it can open opportunities for you and to challenge yourself. Learning new languages can be really hard but it also can be really fun. Right now, I am trying to learn 5 languages. I am learning or already know English, Spanish, Latin, Hebrew, and Yiddish. I have watched the videos that you have posted and you are all doing a great job with English. Learning new languages is great and can be a lot of fun! :)
